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[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [3661] oJmoqumadovn    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¿À¸ðµÚ¸¶µ· homothumadon {hom-oth-oo-mad-on'} ¾î±Ù : *3674ÀÇ ¾î°£ *2372ÀÇ ÇÕ¼º¾î ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¸¸ÀåÀÏÄ¡·Î, ÇÑ ¸¶À½À» °¡Áö°í ¹®¹ý : ºÎ»ç from a compound of the base of 3674 and 2372; TDNT - 5:185,684 AV - with one accord 11, with one mind 1; 12 1) with one mind, with one accor ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [3675] oJmovfrwn    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : È£¸÷Èå·Ð homophron {hom-of'-rone} ¾î±Ù : *3674ÀÇ ¾î°£ *5424 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : °°Àº ¸¶À½À» Ç°Àº, Á¶È­µÈ, ¸¶À½ÀÌ ¸ÂÀº, ÀÏÄ¡ÇÏ´Â ¹®¹ý : Çü¿ë»ç from the base of 3674 and 5424; AV - of one mind 1; 1 1) of one mind, concordant

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [3715] o[rexi"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¿À·º½Ã½º orexis {or'-ex-is} ¾î±Ù : *3713 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¸¶À½ÀÇ ÈïºÐ, ¼Ò¿ø, ¿å¸Á, µ¿°æ, »ç¸ðÇÔ ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 3713; TDNT - 5:447,727 AV - lust 1; 1 1) desire, longing, craving for 2) eager desire, lust, appetite 2a) used both in a good and a bad sense, as well ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [3820] ble    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ·¹ºê leb {labe} ¾î±Ù : 3824¹ø ÂüÁ¶ ¾îÀÇ : Áß½É, ¸¶À½, µ¿Á¶ÇÏ´Ù, µ¹º¸´Ù, ÁöÇý, ÀÌÇØ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü ¸í»ç a form of 03824; TWOT - 1071a AV - heart 508, mind 12, midst 11, understanding 10, hearted 7, wisdom 6, comfortably 4, well 4, considered 2, friendly 2, kindly 2, stouthearted + 0 ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [3821] ble    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ·¹ºê leb (Aramaic) {labe} ¾î±Ù : 3820¹ø°ú ÀÏÄ¡ÇÔ ¾îÀÇ : ¸¶À½ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü ¸í»ç corresponding to 03820; TWOT - 2809a AV - heart 1; 1 1) heart, mind

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [3824] bb;le    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ·¹¹Ùºê lebab {lay-bawb'} ¾î±Ù : 3823¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¿ë±â, ¸¶À½, ¸íö ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 03823; TWOT - 1071a AV - heart 231, consider + 07760 5, mind 4, understanding 3, misc 9; 252 1) inner man, mind, will, heart, soul, understanding 1a) inner part, midst 1 ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [3825] bb'l]    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ·¹¹Ùºê l@bab (Aramaic) {leb-ab'} ¾î±Ù : 3824¹ø°ú ÀÏÄ¡ÇÔ ¾îÀÇ : ¸¶À½ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü ¸í»ç corresponding to 03824; TWOT - 2809b AV - heart 7; 7 1) heart, mind

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [3826] h'B;l'    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¸®¹Ù libbah {lib-baw'} ¾î±Ù : 3820¹ø ÂüÁ¶ ¾îÀÇ : ¸¶À½ ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 03820; TWOT - 1071b AV - heart 8; 8 1) heart

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [3981] peiqov"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ÆäÀ̵µ½º peithos {pi-thos'} or peitho {pi-tho'} ¾î±Ù : *3982 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¼³µæ·Â ÀÖ´Â, ¸¶À½À» ²ô´Â ¹®¹ý : Çü¿ë»ç from 3982; TDNT - 6:8,818 AV - enticing 1; 1 1) persuasive

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [403] ajnavyuxi"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¾Æ³ªÇÁ½¬Å©½Ã½º anapsuxis {an-aps'-ook-sis} ¾î±Ù : *404 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¼ûµ¹¸² a recovery of breath, À¯ÄèÇÔ, ¸¶À½ÀÌ ½Ã¿øÇÔ a refreshing ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 404; TDNT - 9:664,1342 AV - refreshing 1; 1 1) a cooling, refreshing

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [4049] perispavw    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : Æ丮½ºÆÄ¿À perispao {per-ee-spah'-o} ¾î±Ù : *4012 *4685 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ²ø¾î ´ç±â´Ù. Áï (»ó¡ÀûÀ¸·Î, °ÆÁ¤À¸·Î) ¸¶À½ÀÌ ¾î¼ö¼±ÇÏ´Ù, ¾Ð¹ÚÇÏ´Ù, ±«·ÓÈ÷´Ù. ¹®¹ý : µ¿»ç from 4012 and 4685; AV - cumber 1; 1 1) to draw around, to draw away, distract 2) metaph. 2a) to be driven ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [4288] proqumiva    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ÇÁ·ÎµÚ¹Ì¾Æ prothumia {proth-oo-mee'-ah} ¾î±Ù : *4289 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¸¶À½ÀÇ ¹Ù¶÷, ¿­¸Á, ¿­½É, ¿­ÀÇ, Áñ°Å¿òÀ¸·Î ÇÏ´Â ¸¶À½, È£ÀÇ ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 4289; TDNT - 6:697,937 AV - forwardness of mind 1, readiness 1, readiness of mind 1, ready mind 1, willing mind 1; 5 1) zeal, ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [4289] provqumo"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ÇÁ·ÎµÚ¸ð½º prothumos {proth'-oo-mos} ¾î±Ù : *4253 *2372 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ÀÚÁøÇؼ­ ÇàÇÏ´Â, ¸¶À½ÀÌ ¿øÇÏ´Â, ¿­½ÉÀÖ´Â, ÁغñµÈ ¹®¹ý : Çü¿ë»ç from 4253 and 2372; TDNT - 6:694,937 AV - ready 2, willing 1; 3 1) ready, willing

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [4337] prosevcw    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ÇÁ·Î¼¼ÄÚ prosecho {pros-ekh'-o} ¾î±Ù : *4314 *2192 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ~À¸·Î µ¹¸®´Ù, ~¿¡ ¸¶À½À» µÎ´Ù, Àü½ÉÇÏ´Ù, Àü·ÂÇÏ´Ù, ÁöÁöÇÏ´Ù, ÁÖ¸ñÇÏ´Ù ¹®¹ý : µ¿»ç from 4314 and 2192; AV - beware 7, give heed to 5, take heed to 3, give heed unto 1, take heed 1, take heed unto 1, take heed whereu ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [4641] sklhrokardiva    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ½ºÅ¬·¹·ÎÄ®µð¾Æ sklerokardia {sklay-rok-ar-dee'-ah} ¾î±Ù : *4642 *2588ÀÇ ÇÕ¼º¾îÀÇ ¿©¼º ¾îÀÇ : ±»Àº ¸¶À½, ³Ã´ãÇÔ, ¿Ï¾ÇÇÔ ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from a compound of 4642 and 2588; TDNT - 3:613,415 AV - hardness of heart 3; 3 1) hardness of heart

kcm  1861146
±³È¸  999698
¼±±³  956114
¿¹¼ö  903237
¼³±³  787769
¾Æ½Ã¾Æ  695632
¼¼°è  672580
¼±±³È¸  645324
»ç¶û  636346
¹Ù¿ï  631372



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