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 작성자  관리자  첨부파일    
 자료구분  스트롱코드사전(히)  작성일  2007-01-30
 제목  [2896] b/f
 주제어  좋은, 선하다, 선한것, 잘, 기쁘게, 친절, 사랑하는, 값진, 준비된, 재산
 자료출처  KCM  성경본문  
 내용 발음 : 토브 towb {tobe}
어근 : 2895에서 유래
어의 : 좋은, 선하다, 선한것, 잘, 기쁘게, 친절, 사랑하는, 값진, 준비된, 재산
문법 : 형용사, 남성형 명사

from 02895; TWOT - 793a

AV - good 361, better 72, well 20, goodness 16, goodly 9, best 8, merry 7, fair 7, prosperity 6, precious 4, fine 3, wealth 3, beautiful 2, fairer 2, favour 2, glad 2, misc 35; 559

1) good, pleasant, agreeable
1a) pleasant, agreeable (to the senses)
1b) pleasant (to the higher nature)
1c) good, excellent (of its kind)
1d) good, rich, valuable in estimation
1e) good, appropriate, becoming
1f) better (comparative)
1g) glad, happy, prosperous (of man's sensuous nature)
1h) good understanding (of man's intellectual nature)
1i) good, kind, benign
1j) good, right (ethical)
n m
2) a good thing, benefit, welfare
2a) welfare, prosperity, happiness
2b) good things (collective)
2c) good, benefit
2d) moral good
n f
3) welfare, benefit, good things
3a) welfare, prosperity, happiness
3b) good things (collective)
3c) bounty



kcm  2316321
교회  1267954
선교  1227185
예수  1159782
설교  970383
아시아  876347
세계  855655
선교회  822944
사랑  812239
바울  805543



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