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[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1328] laeWtB]    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : º£Åõ¿¤ B@thuw'el {beth-oo-ale'} ¾î±Ù : 1326 410¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ÇÑµí ¾îÀÇ : Çϳª´Ô¿¡ ÀÇÇØ È²ÆóµÈ, ºêµÎ¿¤(Áö¸í) ¹®¹ý : °íÀ¯¸í»ç apparently from the same as 01326 and 0410;; AV - Bethuel 10; 10 Bethuel = "God destroys" or "man of God" or "dweller in God" n pr m 1) nephew of Abraham, ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1329] lWtB]    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : º£Åø B@thuwl {beth-ool'} ¾î±Ù : 1328¹ø ÂüÁ¶ ¾îÀÇ : ºêµÑ(Áö¸í) ¹®¹ý : À§Ä¡°Ý °íÀ¯¸í»ç for 01328; AV - Bethul 1; 1 Bethul = "God destroys" or "man of God" or "dweller in God" 1) a town of Simeon in the south (also spelled 'Bethuel')

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [132] ynimod]a'    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¾Æµå¸ð´Ï 'admoniy {ad-mo-nee'} or (fully) 'admowniy {ad-mo-nee'} ¾î±Ù : 119¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¸Ó¸®Ä®, ºÓÀº, ºÓ±×·¹ÇÑ ¹®¹ý : Çü¿ë»ç from 0119; TWOT - 26h AV - ruddy 2, red 1; 3 1) red, ruddy (of Esau as infant)

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1330] hl;WtB]    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : º£Åõ¶ó b@thuwlah {beth-oo-law'} ¾î±Ù : 8 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ºÐ¸®ÇÏ´Ù ¾îÀÇ : ó³à, ¼û°ÜÁü, °¡²û, ½ÅºÎ, µµ½Ã, ±¹°¡, ¼Ò³à ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç pass. participle of an unused root meaning to separate; TWOT - 295a AV - virgin 38, maid 7, maiden 5; 50 1) virgin

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1331] myliWtB]    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : º£Åõ¸² b@thuwliym {beth-oo-leem'} ¾î±Ù : 1330¹ø ÂüÁ¶ ¾îÀÇ : ó³à¼º, ¼Ò³à ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç masculine plural of the same as 01330; TWOT - 295b AV - virginity 8, maid 2; 10 1) virginity

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1332] hy:t]Bi    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ºñÆ®¾ß Bithyah {bith-yaw'} ¾î±Ù : 1323 3050¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¿©È£¿ÍÀÇ µþ, ¼þ¹èÀÚ, ºñ´Ù¾Æ(Àθí) ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç from 01323 and 03050; AV - Bithiah 1; 1 Bithiah = "daughter of Jehovah" 1) a daughter of a Pharaoh and wife of Mered of Judah

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1333] qt'B;    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¹ÙŸũ bathaq {baw-thak'} ¾î±Ù : ±âº»¾î ¾îÀÇ : ÀÚ¸£´Ù, °üÅëÇÏ´Ù ¹®¹ý : µ¿»ç a primitive root; TWOT - 296 AV - thrust through 1; 1 1) (Piel) to cut, cut up, cut off, cut down

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1334] rt'B;    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¹ÙŸ¸£ bathar {baw-thar'} ¾î±Ù : ±âº»¾î ¾îÀÇ : ÀÚ¸£´Ù, ³ª´©´Ù ¹®¹ý : µ¿»ç a primitive root; TWOT - 297 AV - divided 2; 2 1) to cut in two 1a) (Qal) to cut in two 1b) (Piel) to cut in two

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1335] rt,B,    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : º£Å׸£ bether {beh'-ther} ¾î±Ù : 1334¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ºêºÐ, Á¶°¢ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 01334; TWOT - 297a AV - part 2, piece 1; 3 1) part, piece 1a) of the parts of an animal cut in half for a sacrifice

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1336] rt,B,    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : º£Å׸£ Bether {beh'-ther} ¾î±Ù : 1335¹ø°ú µ¿ÀÏÇÔ ¾îÀÇ : º£µ¥¸£(Áö¸í) ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç the same as 01335; AV - Bether 1; 1 Bether = "cleft" 1) a mountainous region in Palestine, site unknown

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1337] myBir tB'    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¹ÙÆ® Bath Rabbiym {bath rab-beem'} ¾î±Ù : 1323 7227¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : µµ½Ã ¹®¹ý : À§Ä¡°Ý °íÀ¯¸í»ç from 01323 and a masc. pl. from 07227; AV - Bathrabbim 1; 1 Bath-rabbim = "daughter of multitudes" 1) the city of Heshbon or one of its gates

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1338] @wOrt]Bi    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ºñÆ®·Ð Bithrown {bith-rone'} ¾î±Ù : 1334¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¹ÙÀ§°¡ ¸¹Àº, ºñµå·Ð(Áö¸í) ¹®¹ý : À§Ä¡°Ý °íÀ¯¸í»ç from 01334; AV - Bithron 1; 1 Bithron = "division" or "cleft" or "ravine" 1) a territory or district in the Jordan valley east of the Jordan

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1339] [b'v,-tB'    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¹ÙÆ®-½¦¹Ù Bath-Sheba` {bath-sheh'-bah} ¾î±Ù : 1323¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ¸Í¼¼ÀÇ µþ, ¹å¼¼¹Ù(¼Ö·Î¸óÀÇ ¸ðÄ£) ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç from 01323 and 07651 (in the sense of 07650); AV - Bathsheba 11; 11 Bath-sheba = "daughter of an oath" 1) the wife of Uriah whom David had murdered, hav ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [133] at:m:d]a'    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¾Æµå¸¶Å¸ 'Admatha' {ad-maw-thaw'} ¾î±Ù : ±â¿øÀº Æ丣½Ã¾Æ¾î ¾îÀÇ : ¾Æµå¸¶´Ù(±ÍÁ·) ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç probably of Persian derivation; AV - Admatha 1; 1 Admatha = "a testimony to them" 1) prince of Persia in reign of Ahasuerus (Xerxes)

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(È÷)] [1340] [Wv-tB'    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¹ÙÆ®-½´¾Æ Bath-Shuwa` {bath-shoo'-ah} ¾î±Ù : 1323 7771¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ºÎÀÇ µþ, ¹å¼ö¾Æ 1339¿Í µ¿ÀÏ ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç from 01323 and 07771; AV - Bathshua 1, variant for Shua 1; 2 Bath-shua = "daughter of wealth" 1) the wife of Uriah whom David had murdered, having had ad ...

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±³È¸  1100689
¼±±³  1058124
¿¹¼ö  999662
¼³±³  857452
¾Æ½Ã¾Æ  764805
¼¼°è  742597
¼±±³È¸  713501
»ç¶û  703995
¹Ù¿ï  698697



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