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 ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ  Calvin  ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ  2016-03-05
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 ³»¿ë <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p87><B><SPAN class=line>Verse 3.</SPAN></B> <I><CITE id=vii.p87.1>And God said</CITE></I> . Moses now, for the first time, introduces God in the act of speaking, as if he had created the mass of heaven and earth without the Word. <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb14><SUP class=Note>14</SUP></A> Yet John testifies that</P> <P class=cite id=vii.p89>'without him nothing was made of the things which were made,' (<A class=scripRef id=vii.p89.1 href=",">John 1:3</A>.)</P> <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p90>And it is certain that the world had been <I>begun</I> by the same efficacy of the Word by which it was <I>completed</I>. God, however, did not put forth his Word until he proceeded to originate light; <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb15><SUP class=Note>15</SUP></A> because in the act of distinguishing <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb16><SUP class=Note>16</SUP></A> his wisdom begins to be conspicuous. Which thing alone is sufficient to confute the blasphemy of Servetus. This impure caviler asserts, <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb17><SUP class=Note>17</SUP></A> that the first beginning of the Word was when God commanded the light to be; as if the cause, truly, were not prior to its effect. Since however by the Word of God things which were not came suddenly into being, we ought rather to infer the eternity of His essence. Wherefore the Apostles rightly prove the Deity of Christ from hence, that since he is the Word of God, all things have been created by him. Servetus imagines a new quality in God when he begins to speak. But far otherwise must we think concerning the Word of God, namely, that he is the Wisdom dwelling in God, <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb18><SUP class=Note>18</SUP></A> and without which God could never be; the effect of which, however, became apparent when the light was created. <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb19><SUP class=Note>19</SUP></A></P> <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p100><I><CITE id=vii.p100.1>Let there be light</CITE></I> . It we proper that the light, by means of which the world was to be adorned with such excellent beauty, should be first created; and this also was the commencement of the distinction, (among the creatures. <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb20><SUP class=Note>20</SUP></A>) It did not, however, happen from inconsideration or by accident, that the light preceded the sun and the moon. To nothing are we more prone than to tie down the power of God to those instruments the agency of which he employs. The sun an moon supply us with light: And, according to our notions we so include this power to give light in them, that if they were taken away from the world, it would seem impossible for any light to remain. Therefore the Lord, by the very order of the creation, bears witness that he holds in his hand the light, which he is able to impart to us without the sun and moon. Further, it is certain from the context, that the light was so created as to be interchanged with darkness. But it may be asked, whether light and darkness succeeded each other in turn through the whole circuit of the world; or whether the darkness occupied one half of the circle, while light shone in the other. There is, however, no doubt that the order of their succession was alternate, but whether it was everywhere day at the same time, and everywhere night also, I would rather leave undecided; nor is it very necessary to be known. <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb21><SUP class=Note>21</SUP></A></P> <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p103><B><SPAN class=line></SPAN></B>&nbsp;</P> <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text><B><SPAN class=line>Verse 4.</SPAN></B>. <I><CITE id=vii.p103.1>And God saw the light</CITE></I> . Here God is introduced by Moses as surveying his work, that he might take pleasure in it. But he does it for our sake, to teach us that God has made nothing without a certain reason and design. And we ought not so to understand the words of Moses as if God did not know that his work was good, till it was finished. But the meaning of the passage is, that the work, such as we now see it, was approved by God. Therefore nothing remains for us, but to acquiesce in this judgment of God. And this admonition is very useful. For whereas man ought to apply all his senses to the admiring contemplation of the works of God, <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb22><SUP class=Note>22</SUP></A> we see what license he really allows himself in detracting from them.</P> <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p105><B><SPAN class=line></SPAN></B>&nbsp;</P> <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text><B><SPAN class=line>Verse 5.</SPAN></B> <I><CITE id=vii.p105.1>And God called the light</CITE></I> . That is, God willed that there should be a regular vicissitude of days and nights; which also followed immediately when the first day was ended. For God removed the light from view, that night might be the commencement of another day. What Moses says however, admits a double interpretation; either that this was the evening and morning belonging to the first day, or that the first day consisted of the evening and the morning. Whichever interpretation be chosen, it makes no difference in the sense, for he simply understands the day to have been made up of two parts. Further, he begins the day, according to the custom of his nation, with the evening. It is to no purpose to dispute whether this be the best and the legitimate order or not. We know that darkness preceded time itself; when God withdrew the light, he closed the day. I do not doubt that the most ancient fathers, to whom the coming night was the end of one day and the beginning of another, followed this mode of reckoning. Although Moses did not intend here to prescribe a rule which it would be criminal to violate; yet (as we have now said) he accommodated his discourse to the received custom. Wherefore, as the Jews foolishly condemn all the reckonings of other people, as if God had sanctioned this alone; so again are they equally foolish who contend that this modest reckoning, which Moses approves, is preposterous.</P> <P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p106><I><CITE id=vii.p106.1>The first day</CITE></I> . Here the error of those is manifestly refuted, who maintain that the world was made in a moment. For it is too violent a cavil to contend that Moses distributes the work which God perfected at once into six days, for the mere purpose of conveying instruction. Let us rather conclude that God himself took the space of six days, for the purpose of accommodating his works to the capacity of men. We slightingly pass over the infinite glory of God, which here shines forth; whence arises this but from our excessive dullness in considering his greatness? In the meantime, the vanity of our minds carries us away elsewhere. For the correction of this fault, God applied the most suitable remedy when he distributed the creation of the world into successive portions, that he might fix our attention, and compel us, as if he had laid his hand upon us, to pause and to reflect. For the confirmation of the gloss above alluded to, a passage from Ecclesiasticus is unskilfully cited. 'He who liveth for ever created all things at once,' (Ecclesiasticus 18:1.) For the Greek adverb <CITE lang=el id=vii.p106.2>koinh~|</CITE> which the writer uses, means no such thing, nor does it refer to time, but to all things universally. <A class=Note href="" name=_fnb23><SUP class=Note>23</SUP></A></P> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf14> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p88> <HR> </P> <P class=Footnote><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf14><SUP class=Note>14</SUP></A> "Sans sa Parole"&#8212;"without his Word."&#8212;French Tr.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf15> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p91><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf15><SUP class=Note>15</SUP></A> "Sed Deus Verbum suum nonnisi in lucis origine, protulit."&#8212;"Mais Dieu n'a point mis sa Parole en avant, sinon en la creation de la lumiere." &#8212;"But God did not put his Word forward except in the creation of the light."&#8212;French Tr.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf16> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p92><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf16><SUP class=Note>16</SUP></A> "In distinctione." The French is somewhat different: "Pource que la distinction de sa Sagesse commenca lors a apparoir evidemment." -- "Because that the distinction of his Wisdom began then to appear evidently." The printing of the word Wisdom with a capital, renders it probable that by it Calvin means the Son of God, who is styled Wisdom in the eighth chapter of Proverbs and elsewhere. Whence it would seem that he intends the whole of what he here says as an argument in favor of the Deity of Christ. &#8212;Ed.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf17> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p93><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf17><SUP class=Note>17</SUP></A> "Latrat hic obscoenus canis."</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf18> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p94><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf18><SUP class=Note>18</SUP></A> "Mais il faut bien autrement sentir de la Parole de Dieu, assavoir que c'est la Sapience residente en luy."&#8212;French Tr.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf19> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p95><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf19><SUP class=Note>19</SUP></A> To understand this difficult and obscure passage, it will be necessary to know something of the ground taken by Servetus in his attempt to subvert the doctrine of the Trinity. He maintained that Christ was not the Son of God as to his divine nature, but only as to his human, and that this title belonged to him solely in consequence of His incarnation. Yet he professed to believe in the Word, as an emanation of some kind from the Deity; compounded&#8212;as he explains it&#8212;of the essence of God, of spirit, of flesh, and of three uncreated elements. These three elements appeared, as he supposes, in the first light of the world, in the cloud, and in the pillar of fire. (See Calvin's Institutes, Book II. c. xiv.) This illustrates what Calvin means when he says, that Servetus imagines a new quality in God when he begins to speak. The distinct personality of the Word being denied, qualities or attributes of Deity are put in his place. Against this Calvin contends. His argument seems to be to the following effect:&#8212;The creation of the indigested mass called heaven and earth, in the first verse, was apparently&#8212;though not really -- without the Word, inasmuch as the Word is not mentioned. But when there began to be a distinction, (such as light developed,) then the Word existed before he acted&#8212;the cause was prior to its effect. We ought, therefore, to infer the eternal existence of the Word, as he contends the Apostles do, from the fact that all things were created by Him. Whatever quality God possessed when he began to speak, he must have possessed before. His Word, or his Wisdom, or his only-begotten Son, dwelt in Him, and was one with him from eternity; the same Word, or Wisdom, acted really in the creation of the chaotic mass, though not apparently. But in the creation of light, the very commencement of distinguishing, (exordium distinctionis,) this divine Word or Wisdom was manifest.</P> <P class="Nmbrd &amp;#para 0/0-2501" id=vii.p96>Having given, to the best of my judgment, an explanation of Calvin's reasoning, truth obliges me to add, that it seems to be an involved and unsatisfactory argument to prove --</P> <P class="Nmbrd &amp;#para 0/0-2503" id=vii.p97>1st, That the Second Person of the Trinity is distinctly referred to in the second verse of this chapter; and,</P> <P class="Nmbrd &amp;#para 0/0-2503" id=vii.p98>2nd, That He is truly though not obviously the Creator of heaven and earth mentioned in the first verse.</P> <P class="Nmbrd &amp;#para 0/0-2501" id=vii.p99>It furnishes occasion rather for regret than for surprise, that the most powerful minds are sometimes found attempting to sustain a good cause by inconclusive reasoning.&#8212;Ed.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf20> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p101><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf20><SUP class=Note>20</SUP></A> "De la distinction des les creatures."&#8212;French Tr. That is, the beauties of nature could not be perceived, nor the distinction between different objects discerned without the light.&#8212;Ed.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf21> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p102><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf21><SUP class=Note>21</SUP></A> See <A href="">Note 2</A>.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf22> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p104><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf22><SUP class=Note>22</SUP></A> "L'homme devroit estendere tous ses sens a considerer, et avoir en admiration les oeuvres de Dieu."&#8212;"Man ought to apply all his senses in considering and having in admiration the works of God." -- French Tr.</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf23> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p107><A class=Note href="" name=_fnf23><SUP class=Note>23</SUP></A> So the English translation: "He that liveth forever made all things in general."</P></DIV> <DIV class=Note id=_fnf24> <P class=Footnote id=vii.p109>&nbsp;</P></DIV>


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